суббота, 15 июня 2019 г.

My First Impression and Expression  of the University Classes
       At first my imagination of the university classes very different. After few days I tend to  university life. Every day and each lesson very different from each others, some of them absolutely new for me and I had to adopt it. Subject didn’t come easy to me. I had a challenges in the first week, because according to my future plans it should be different but in real atmosphere I found some difficulties. Help of my teacher and my new coursemates I did my task and projects. At university we are taught to be teacher, so that we do many project and presentation with group. Now I am very happy because I’m student of UzSWLU and this proud for me. My university my life.
Картинки по запросу Uzswlu

       My Computer Skills: Strengths  and Weaknesses.

At university we learn not only languages also computer skills. Since we have started studying we’ve done many project on ICT. We created or own animation movie on Animaker studio . Till I entered university I  am aware of office programs: Word, Excel and Power Point. But  I was weak  on editing, creating videos and photos , adding effect for the movies . But at university I’ve learnt creating Test quizzes, Blog, working on moodle and Others. I can tell that ‘’ I learnt many knowledge and I tell Thanks my ICT teacher. Thank you my teacher  “ If you want to see my e-page log in to this write your comments: Bilingualuzeng.blogpost.com

 ÐšÐ°Ñ€Ñ‚инки по запросу My Computer Skills: Strengths and Weaknesses.

             Listening podcast and application

Learning language listening play big role. While listening we listen correct pronunciation of new words and we get used to realize the meaning of the task. As well as we improve our listening skills and increase our knowledge. I also listen many podcast there I can recommend you to listen:
  • ·       BBC 6 minute English listening.com
  • ·       IELTS listening.com
  • ·       IELTS big point.com
  • ·       EnglishPod.com

I daily listen and observe this web pages. Subscribe and learn English with native speakers. 

Картинки по запросу Listening podcast and application  

Listening to audio programmes, or podcasts, is simple if you have access to the internet. You just need to find a podcast platform or app that suits you and then sample some of the many thousands of podcasts made around the world. All podcasts are free, and most are available via many different apps.

Картинки по запросу Listening podcast and application 

Am Slow I or a Fast Reader

Because of I like reading, I can read 50 - 60 pages a day, if it is interesting for me. Usually I often read e- version of books. Because to buy every book is more expensive me, especially students, reading book in  notebooks it is the most common spread way among the youngs.  I mostly read alone but with book I don’t feel myself lonely. But if interrupt  me I may distract a little bit anyway it interacts my reading speed and relaxing. Nowadays most young  are getting used to e – net, they live in virtual world. We should bring them back, I mean real , social life. Only reading book can help, not psychologist or doctors  only books ( if the books about goodness ). Read and rediscover the world for yourself !!! 
 ÐšÐ°Ñ€Ñ‚инки по запросу Am Slow I or a Fast Reader

Critically Analysis of Online Language Learning

Online language learning is common spread way of language learning on the E – net. Most foreign students learn the second language online. There pros and cons of online learning. It is useful and beneficial, who has a network and office workers. Because they have opportunity to learn it in their room or home. On the other hand in the vicinity of villages may not be network, so that they can not learn through E – net. Most people can understand from the online lessons but others need to explain everything in details according to their knowledge and mind. If they don’t understand basic meaning of learning language , it doesn’t make a sense. Whether someone wants to learn online and self study they should realize the basic grammar and it would help them. Learning language online or offline it doesn’t matter we just a learn. Never give up, how many language you  know it means how many you have chance in the future prosperity. 

пятница, 14 июня 2019 г.

Картинки по запросу learn language beyond the limit  https://go.mail.ru/search?q=LEARN+LANGUAGE+BEYOND+THE+LIMITS

                   What do you understand from this statement and are you with this  philospher's opinion. What do you think knowing more than one language  pushes you back the frontier of the world in which you live ?  From the given statement I understand the more I know language ,the more I  have prosperities in the future. We can take thi proverb to prove our opinion         " Who  knows  language,  knows the  nations  "    This datas shows that language is only one thing to communicate with others and it is used in any kind of way of life. In above different type of example and information was given to learn language and most famous professors, scientists even neurologists claim that language need every branch of job. 

Let's reach our language its high. To improve language we MUST do following rules :
           - motivate yourself to learn language
           - give question to yourself Why I need language. Most people learn it for different purpose
           - enjoy from learning language
           - find a partner 
           - talk to yourself
           - have a fun with language
           - keep in relevant
           - act like a child, becouse mostly children learn better then older 
           - leave your comfort zone 
Get Motivated
       This might sound obvious, but if you don’t have a good reason to learn a language, you are less likely to stay motivated over the long-run. Wanting to impress English-speakers with your French is not a very good reason — wanting to get to know a French person in their own language is another matter entirely. No matter your reason, once you’ve decided on a language, it’s crucial to commit:“OK, I want to learn this and I’m therefore going to do as much as I can in this language, with this language and for this language.” Find a partner
We were very motivated, and we still are. We push each other to really go for it. So if he realizes that I’m doing more than he is, he’ll get a bit jealous and then try and outdo me (maybe because he’s my twin) — and the other way round.”

           ÐšÐ°Ñ€Ñ‚инки по запросу 10 most easy way to learn english                    

                      English words with friends
 Add some music Try, try and try again Join online English forums Get with the language Read to learn EnglishScrabble is a classic board game in which players use random lettered tiles to create words in a crossword fashion. It’s a fantastic way to strengthen your English vocabulary, and there’s also a Scrabble Junior version for beginners. Playing Scrabble challenges you to really think in English as you try to come up with different words using your set of letters.If you’re taking an English class, buy the board game and invite your classmates to play with you. You can also play Scrabble online through websites like Facebook, where it is called Words With Friends. 
Not only will your favourite song wake up your mind and put you in a positive mood to learn English, but the lyrics can help you expand your skills .Reasearch demonstrates how music can help second language learners acquire grammar and vocabulary and improve spelling. Songs almost always contain a lot of useful vocabulary, phrases and expressions. And since the intended audience is native speakers, the latest tunes include up-to-date language and colloquialisms. The language used in songs is casual and usable, if you pick the right music. Music also has an uncanny ability to stick in our heads, so this can help you to remember your new English words. To commit new English words to memory, it’s important to keep using them. Keep a notebook of new words you learn, and try to use them in three different sentences. Write your sentences down and say them out loud. The repetition will help you to remember the word, and working out different uses of the word will help expand your bank of vocabulary. 

 Remember, taking small steps like these will still help you to reach your goal. The key here is to join forums for subjects that you are interested in – that way, your motivation will rub off on your English learning and you’ll be more inclined to participate. So, whether it’s photography, movies, travelling or cooking, discuss your passion with other like-minded people in English.If you feel nervous about people identifying you, make an anonymous profile. Then read through the forum to see what people are discussing. Once you feel confident, start to actively take part in the forum by answering questions posed by other people – or post your own questions and have a conversation with the other members who answer you. One of the most effective and easy ways to learn English is to fully immerse yourself in the language. 

   Find an English-speaking radio station to listen to, watch an English-speaking movie show on TV or surround yourself with people having conversations in English. Listen carefully to conversations in restaurants, on the bus or in shops and try to pick up the everyday use of the language. Not only will this help your listening skills, but you can also try to pronounce the words yourself in context to improve your speaking skills. With modern technology and apps, this can be done practically anywhere. You could really give your reading skills a boost here – but your speaking skills can benefit, too. The more you read English text to yourself or aloud, the more confidence you will have. If you feel nervous, start by practising at home then move on to reading in front of an audience and asking for their feedback. Of course, it’s also enjoyable to read some wonderful stories. E-readers and tablets make learning English even easier because if you don’t know a word, you can simply click on it to read its definition. On the Kindle you can add new words you’ve learnt to its Vocabulary Builder feature, which is stored on the device. Others recommend listening to and reading text at the same time as an excellent way to enhance the learning process. Kindle’s Whispersync for Voice is designed for just this purpose and includes audio with selected books, so you can listen and follow the text as you read.
Картинки по запросу learn language on tv radio and broadcast  ÐšÐ°Ñ€Ñ‚инки по запросу learn language on tv radio and broadcast 

      Popular posts.



this for anyone, who wants to join this club 

Narrow it downThe first step to learning effectively is to identify what you want to focus on and set goals.
If you have a strong interest in a particular subject, start with that. Perhaps you want to to read about soccer, or you want to learn how to cook like a native chef. The most effective learners are motivated to study because they choose vocabulary based on their interests and needs. If you select words you don’t find useful, you’re much likely less to succeed in memorizing them and being able to use them in context. You should be as excited as possible about learning new words!
If you have a more general goal, like wanting to be able to communicate with people on an upcoming trip orread the news, it’s a good idea to focus on the words that are most commonly used in your target language.

Картинки по запросу narrow it down ( language )

Figure out what the most common words are


This is a good tip for anyone, no matter what your particular interests may be. The most common words will be the most common words in any kind of speech or writing. They pop up everywhere!
Typically, there are four general categories of vocabulary words we can talk about in any language: High-frequency wordsacademic wordstechnical words and low-frequency words.
You can generally ignore academic, technical and low-frequency words, unless you have specific need to learn them. Focus on high frequency wordsto quickly improve your ability to communicate. These are the words people use most in everyday writing and speech, so learning them will take you in the right direction so you can start understanding what you hear and being able to respond appropriately.
An online search for the phrase “most common words in X language” can help you identify a list of high-frequency words to focus on, like this one in Spanish or this one in French. After identifying these words, try doing an online search to find articles and videos that use these words in context.

Картинки по запросу Figure out what the most common words are

 Seek out opportunities to use new words

Do you know what it means to “learn” a word?
Learning any vocabulary involves two separate processes:
  • Being able to recognize a word when you hear or read it
  • Being able to say or write a word
It’s more difficult to produce a word than it is to recognize it, so we typically learn to recognize words in writing or speech before we’re able to produce them ourselves. It takes additional, concentrated practice to learn a word well enough to think of it and say or write it when we want to.
On an average day, you get much more practice hearing and reading words than you do speaking or writing, whether in your native language or a language you’re trying to learn, and even if you’re super extroverted and talkative.
That’s why it’s important to always seek out more opportunities for productive language practice, such as writing emails to friends, writing in a personal journal, talking with others in a conversation club or chatting with people who don’t speak your native language.
Opportunities for real-life use of words are also important because you need to learn to use words in context and understand their connotations. Simply memorizing a definition won’t necessarily provide you with enough information to use a word effectively.

 ÐšÐ°Ñ€Ñ‚инки по запросу Seek out opportunities to use new words


Break out those flashcards !!!

Картинки по запросу Break out those flashcards

 Learn new words in context

Learning in context means being exposed to new words through reading or listening. This enables you to naturally run across unfamiliar words and learn their meanings.

Картинки по запросу Learn new words in context

In the end of my ideas I am, going to say learning language not only related to your own, you should be such kind of language atmosphere, which you are learning it. Don't ignore your patential and try it to reach high level . When you reach it you see there is another hill, so that don't  hurry relax from learning . I am going to finish my thoughts with a proverb 

" Search knowledge form cradle to grave''
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